Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel // Forgiveness

In my life, forgiveness has become one of the most powerful values I use to take my ego and emotions out of the situation so I can respond from a clear-minded, values-based place. When my emotions drive me, I tend to strike back in a vengeful way instead of countering in a just manner. I tend to start playing God, judging someone’s heart instead of their actions.


Physical: Our actions have consequences. Those actions carry varied consequences in our society. Being able to make values-based judgments is foundational to the safety and security required to make our families, community, and society function properly.


Mental: Forgiveness doesn't mean that I’m saying what's been done is okay, or I’m validating the other person's actions. Forgiveness frees my heart from negative emotions and opens up my ability to respond and act appropriately. Forgiveness also shifts the responsibility to the other person to become accountable for their actions. As a leader, I must have the ability to respond based on my role and my responsibility. What does the other person need from me - grace, truth, or something in between?


Spiritual: Someone once said unforgiveness is like you drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Unforgiveness clouds your ability to hear your heart. We have to be able to forgive, so we respond to adversity appropriately and so that we don’t impede our personal growth. Most importantly, forgiveness creates room for the healing our heart needs to keep coming forward.


The question to answer: Where is unforgiveness causing you to respond in a vengeful way and holding you back from being 100% of who YOU were created to BE?


Keep Coming Forward! 


Jimmy Hensel