BE Where Your Feet Are // Mental Conditioning by Jimmy Hensel

In the Mayhem Mindset Process, Who you “BE” = Your Values, Talents, and Purpose

Some people spend so much time lost in regret that they never are able to live in the present. Some people are so worried or afraid about the future that they miss the meaning that life was supposed to bring them today. Many of us are not the influencer of our own lives; instead, the momentum and the moment's emotion hold power, so many people aren’t aware enough to see life is happening to them.

Our strongest beliefs or core values aren’t useful unless we have the mental awareness and ability to apply those truths to what we are doing today, in the present. Just thinking about or wishing for good things won’t get it done. Being able to recite words that seem to represent or sound like what you believe is not the same as choosing to live and demonstrate your values through your actions.

Here is the rub, none of what I’m saying matters until it does. For most of us in the western culture, our lives have been comfortable enough. Most of our needs are met that we quit intentionally challenging ourselves to grow and intentionally face the adversity (not looking for trouble, challenging ourselves) that’s necessary to continue to refine our personal character, sharpen our body, mind, and spirit for greater opportunity or a tough time that lies ahead. Consequently, we arrive in that opportunity or dark time, and we haven’t done the work to be prepared to respond from a position of strength. Instead of being able to capture our emotions and use momentum as a tool, it’s the other way around. We are a slave to our feelings, trying to swim against the current. Again, none of this matters until it does.

First, we have to realize we need to be the influencer of our own lives intentionally. To understand and practice operating in the freedom, we have been given. Just the momentum of our modern culture will control you if you aren’t daily correcting your course. Next, it’s necessary to have answers for our lives physically, mentally, and spiritually. If you neglect any of those areas, your power and purpose will leak out in the area you have neglected. To be human means that everything we do starts with feelings and emotions. Feelings and emotions give our lives meaning; life wouldn’t be worth living without emotion. However, our emotions will betray us if we aren’t clear about our personal identity, core values, and we neglect to create mental tools use through opportunity or adversity.

BEing present means to BE where your feet are. Today is the only day you have. All you can control is your attitude and effort right now. You must consciously choose the thoughts you want to engage with and grow those thoughts to create your reality. I believe the most important mindset tool is the ability to bring your mind to the present and focus on the task at hand. In your personal life, as an athlete or in business, the ability to clear your mind and heart and respond based on what you think (clear-minded, values-based) rather than reacting based on emotion (trying to feel right) to dictate the outcome. Do the work to get prepare for when it matters, define yourself, or be defined.

Keep Coming Forward!

Jim Hensel